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by Shehzad Sattar
Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:10 am
Forum: The Ahl al-Hadith; Ittiba, Taqlid & Madhhabs
Topic: Taqlid - Ibn Abdul Barr & an-Nawawi
Replies: 0
Views: 15659

Taqlid - Ibn Abdul Barr & an-Nawawi

Taqlid Ibn Abdul Barr said وهذا كله لغير العامة فإن العامة لا بد لها من تقليد علمائها عند النازلة تنزل بها لأنها لا تتبين موقع الحجة ولا تصل بعدم الفهم إلى علم ذلك And all that is other than folks. As for folks so they must do taqleed of their scholars when they have to ask something. Because they ...
by Shehzad Sattar
Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:00 am
Forum: Hadith & its Sciences
Topic: The Importance of Isnaad
Replies: 2
Views: 14960

More on the importance of Isnaad

More on the importance of Isnaad Sufyaan Ibn `Uyayynah said: One day al-Zuhree was narrating a Hadeeth, so I said to him: "narrate to us without mentioning the Isnaad (the chain of narration)". So al-Zuhree said: "Can anyone reach the roof without a ladder?" [Tadreeb al-Rawee (2...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:58 pm
Forum: General
Topic: The Harmful Statements Of The People – Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah)
Replies: 0
Views: 15599

The Harmful Statements Of The People – Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah)

The Harmful Statements Of The People Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah) Imaam as-Saa’di (rahimahullaah) said: And from the beneficial affairs is to know that the harm of the people on you, especially with regards to evil speech does not harm you; rather it harms them. (It does not harm you) unless you preo...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:55 pm
Forum: Family
Topic: The Fair Females With Wide Lovely Eyes – The Women Of Paradise
Replies: 0
Views: 24391

The Fair Females With Wide Lovely Eyes – The Women Of Paradise

The Fair Females With Wide Lovely Eyes – The Women Of Paradise In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy The reason behind the description of the women of Paradise is so that one is made eager to perform righteous actions. The beauty of the Hoor Al-Ain (the fair females with w...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:50 pm
Forum: General
Topic: The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa
Replies: 0
Views: 16479

The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa

The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa. His Name was Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid ash-Shafiee, according to Mahmud Shukri al Alusi he was among the great Shafiee scholar of his time. Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid ash-Shafiee wrote a letter ...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:46 pm
Forum: Aqidah, Sunnah & Manhaj
Topic: Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu
Replies: 0
Views: 12971

Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu

Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Suwaidi al-Shafiee, teacher of al Alusi al Hanafi said: ومن أعظم البدع، الغلو في تعظيم القبور The biggest innovation is extremism in veneration of the graves. [Ghayat al Ama...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:50 am
Forum: General
Topic: Commentary On The Hadeeth; “Two Types Of The People Of Hell Whom I Have Not Seen…”
Replies: 0
Views: 11831

Commentary On The Hadeeth; “Two Types Of The People Of Hell Whom I Have Not Seen…”

Commentary On The Hadeeth; “Two Types Of The People Of Hell Whom I Have Not Seen…” Praise be to Allaah. This hadeeth speaks of two types of people whom the Prophet (salalaau alai wasalam) said he had not seen, as they would appear after his time, and their destiny would be Hell because of their sin...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:43 am
Forum: Ahl al-Hadith - Salafiyyah & What Opposes It
Topic: The Meaning of ‘Salafiyyah’
Replies: 0
Views: 13287

The Meaning of ‘Salafiyyah’

Ash-Shaykh Al-­Allaamah Muhammad Ibnu Saalih Al-‐Uthaymeen on: The Meaning of ‘Salafiyyah’ The Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: What is Salafiyyah? He answered: ‘As-­‐Salafiyyah is following the manhaj (way, methodology) of the Prophet and his companions. Because they are our salaf w...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:28 am
Forum: Sirah & Biographies
Topic: Students of Hammad al-Ansaari
Replies: 0
Views: 11654

Students of Hammad al-Ansaari

Students of Hammad al-Ansaari Shaykh Hammad al-Ansaari said: ‘Indeed Muqbil al-Wada’iee was my student; I was the one who chose the topic [for his Master’s Degree][1].He would read to me in my house, the days I used to live in Sharqeeyah district. I used to advise him and say to him "O Muqbil,...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:25 am
Forum: Quran & its Sciences
Topic: Tafseer: Disobeying One Is Like Disobeying All
Replies: 0
Views: 14956

Tafseer: Disobeying One Is Like Disobeying All

Tafseer: Disobeying One Is Like Disobeying All بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد * Opposing the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is like opposing the Sunnah of all the Prophets and Messengers before him. * Disobeying one Messenger is like disobeying all the Messe...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:10 am
Forum: General
Topic: Ten reason you want to learn Arabic
Replies: 0
Views: 12190

Ten reason you want to learn Arabic

Ten reason you want to learn Arabic: 1. Arabic is the language of the Qur'aan 2. The Qur'aan will increase you in intellect 3. The Qur'aan leads to righteous actions 4. The Qur'aan leads to the preceding messages in the previously revealed texts 5. The elaboration upon the Qur'aan is only known in ...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:55 am
Forum: Family
Topic: Speaking Kindly To The Wife And Having A Concern With Ones Appearance
Replies: 0
Views: 11375

Speaking Kindly To The Wife And Having A Concern With Ones Appearance

Speaking Kindly To The Wife And Having A Concern With Ones Appearance Shaykh Muhammad Ali Farkoos: ❝Speaking kindly to the wife and Having a Concern with Ones Appearance in front of her: this is something which she likes in you just as you like in her. Ibn Katheer [رحمه الله] said describing the co...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:53 am
Forum: General
Topic: Sufi an-Nabhani's dream regarding Ibn Taymiyah and as-Subki
Replies: 0
Views: 11518

Sufi an-Nabhani's dream regarding Ibn Taymiyah and as-Subki

Sufi an-Nabhani's dream regarding Ibn Taymiyah and as-Subki an-Nabhani wrote a book on calling out Auliyah and Anbiya against Ibn Taymiyah in which he mentioned his dream. an-Nabhani wrote كنت رأيت منذ ثلاث سنوات ونيف الإمام ابن تيمية والإمام السبكي في رؤيا ذكرتها فى مقدمة المجموعة النبهانية فى الم...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:37 am
Forum: Fiqh, Ibadah & its Sciences
Topic: Neglecting Prayer Out Of Laziness
Replies: 0
Views: 13415

Neglecting Prayer Out Of Laziness

Neglecting Prayer Out Of Laziness Imaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and by the words of the Salaf and the proper understanding. (...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:27 am
Forum: Quran & its Sciences
Topic: “And We Have Made Some Of You As A Trial For Others: Will You Have Patience. [Soorah Al-Furqaan]”
Replies: 0
Views: 11615

“And We Have Made Some Of You As A Trial For Others: Will You Have Patience. [Soorah Al-Furqaan]”

“And We Have Made Some Of You As A Trial For Others: Will You Have Patience. [Soorah Al-Furqaan]” Allaah (The Most High) said: وَجَعَلْنَا بَعْضَكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ فِتْنَةً أَتَصْبِرُونَ And We have made some of you as a trial for others: will you have patience. [Soorah Al-Furqaan] Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (r...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:21 am
Forum: Ahl al-Hadith - Salafiyyah & What Opposes It
Topic: “Let My Enemies Say What They Want” Our Shaykh Muqbil
Replies: 0
Views: 15209

“Let My Enemies Say What They Want” Our Shaykh Muqbil

“Let My Enemies Say What They Want” Our Shaykh, the Muḥaddith of the Lands of Yemen, Abū Abd al-Raḥmān Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādi’ī (رحم الله) said: “So it was the calamities and the advice from those who love the Da’wah that drove me t… “Let My Enemies Say What They...
by Shehzad Sattar
Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:19 am
Forum: Sirah & Biographies
Topic: Who Was Ibn Abdul Hadi, The One Who Refuted As-Subki?
Replies: 0
Views: 11195

Who Was Ibn Abdul Hadi, The One Who Refuted As-Subki?

Who Was Ibn Abdul Hadi, The One Who Refuted As-Subki? Ibn Hajr al Asqalani said: مُحَمَّد بن أَحْمد بن عبد الْهَادِي بن عبد الحميد بن عبد الْهَادِي بن يُوسُف ابْن مُحَمَّد بن قدامَة المقدسى الحنبلى شمي الدّين أحد الأذكياء ولد فِي رَجَب سنة 705 وَقيل قبلهَا وَقيل بعْدهَا وَسمع من التقي سُلَيْمَان وا...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:47 am
Forum: General
Topic: The Book “al-Rūḥ” – Did Ibn al-Qayyim Author it?
Replies: 0
Views: 15540

The Book “al-Rūḥ” – Did Ibn al-Qayyim Author it?

The Book “al-Rūḥ” – Did Ibn al-Qayyim Author it? Reference: Salīm, ʿAmr ʿAbul-Muniʿim (2006), al-Masāʾil al-ʿIlmiyyah wa al-Fatāwā al-Sharʿiyyah Fatāwā al-Shaykh al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī fī al-Madīnah wa al-Imārāt, First Edition. Ṭanṭā: Dār al-Ḍiyāʾ. Question: “You mentioned in y...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:41 am
Forum: Ahl al-Hadith - Salafiyyah & What Opposes It
Topic: Memorisation or Fahm (Understanding) Which Takes Preference?
Replies: 0
Views: 12408

Memorisation or Fahm (Understanding) Which Takes Preference?

Memorisation or Fahm (Understanding) Which Takes Preference? Our brother in Islaam, Hasan as-Sumaalee, whilst delivering the weekly class with us on The Three Fundamental Principles, recalls a question asked to the late Scholar, Ahmad an-Najmee (rahimahullaah) concerning giving preference to hifdh ...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:36 am
Forum: General
Topic: Why Is Our Religion Called 'Islaam'?
Replies: 0
Views: 15748

Why Is Our Religion Called 'Islaam'?

Why Is Our Religion Called 'Islaam'? Question: Why is our religion called "Islaam" Answer: Because one who enters it submits (Aslama) himself to Allaah, and he surrenders to (Istislam), and abides by, all of the judgements that come from Allaah and from His Messenger Salallaahu alayhi was...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:32 am
Forum: Khawarij, Takfiri's, Terrorism and Daesh/ISIS
Topic: Issues of Takfeer
Replies: 0
Views: 14880

Issues of Takfeer

Issues of Takfeer Question: Is it upon everyone to unrestrictedly apply these rulings (i.e. regarding the issue of Ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed) or should this affair be referred back to its people (i.e. the scholars)? ash-Shaikh ‘Abdul Aziz Rajihee حفظه الله:» These matters should...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:16 am
Forum: Fiqh, Ibadah & its Sciences
Topic: The Correct Way To Recite In Your Prayers (Salah) And In Morning – Evening Supplications - Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Replies: 0
Views: 13023

The Correct Way To Recite In Your Prayers (Salah) And In Morning – Evening Supplications - Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool

The Correct Way To Recite In Your Prayers (Salah) And In Morning – Evening Supplications By Muhammad bin Umar Bazmool Translated & Foreword by Umm Yahya Foreword: Are you saying your morning and evening Dua’ yet being afflicted by trials? This concise article may shed light on some questions. S...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:04 am
Forum: Fiqh, Ibadah & its Sciences
Topic: Stoning To Death?
Replies: 0
Views: 12365

Stoning To Death?

Stoning To Death? a). Sahih Bukhari Bukhari Volume 7, Book 63, Number 195: Narrated Jabir: A man from the tribe of Bani Aslam(Maa’iz) came to the Prophet while he was in the mosque and said, "I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet turned his face to the other side. The ...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:51 am
Forum: Fiqh, Ibadah & its Sciences
Topic: Not Raising the Hands to Supplicate After the Obligatory Prayer
Replies: 0
Views: 12330

Not Raising the Hands to Supplicate After the Obligatory Prayer

Not Raising the Hands to Supplicate After the Obligatory Prayer Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya ‘The people of knowledge explained that it is not legislated to raise the hands in Dua’ after completing the obligatory prayer, and that it opposes the guidance of the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam...
by Shehzad Sattar
Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:48 am
Forum: Fiqh, Ibadah & its Sciences
Topic: Manner In Wiping Over The Head During Wudhoo’ For The Women
Replies: 0
Views: 12046

Manner In Wiping Over The Head During Wudhoo’ For The Women

Manner In Wiping Over The Head During Wudhoo’ For The Women: Question: Is it prescribed for a woman, when wiping over the head during Wudhoo’, to begin from the front of the head and the go towards the back, and then finally to come back to the front, as is prescribed for a man? Answer: Yes, this i...

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