Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahu Allah on: The Hanabilah and Ahmad Bin Hanbal, rahimahum Allah

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Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahu Allah on: The Hanabilah and Ahmad Bin Hanbal, rahimahum Allah

Postby مذهب العمل بالحديث » Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:05 am

The historian, Dr. 'Abd Al-Majid Mahmud 'Abd Al-Majid rahimahu Allah, writes:

ونلاحظ أن ابن حزم ذكر الحنبلية جماعة مستقلة عن أصحاب الحديث ونحن نؤيده فيما ذهب أليه. وهذا لا يعني أن احمد بن حنبل ليس من أصحاب الحديث، بل يعني أن الحنبلية غير احمد بن حنبل، وغير أصحاب الحديث، فإن احمد كان محدثاَ سلك مسلك المحدثين أفتى على وفقه، ولكن المطلع على كتب الحنبلية مثل المغني لابن قدامة يجد كثيرا من التفريعات والمسائل الافتراضية التي لم تؤثر عن ابن حنبل بل أثر عنه كراهيته لها وتحذيره منها ولكن فقهاء الحنبلية أخذوا مسائل أهل الرأي، ثم حاولوا أن يجيبوا عنها على وفق أصول إمامهم كما صنع أسد وسحنون في الفقه المالكي

And we notice that Ibn Hazm mentioned the Hanbaliyyah as a group distinct from the Ashab Al-Hadith, and we agree with him on this point. And this does not mean that Ahmad Bin Hanbal was not from the Ashab Al-Hadith, what it means is that the Hanbaliyyah are not Ahmad Bin Hanbal, and that they are not the Ashab Al-Hadith; for indeed Ahmad was a Muhaddith who adopted the path of the Muhaddithin, and gave Fatwa in accordance to it. However, the one who looks into the books of the Hanbaliyyah, like Al-Mughni of Ibn Qudamah, will find many branch issues and hypothetical ones that have not been narrated by Ahmad Bin Hanbal; rather what has been transmitted from him is his hatred of these types of issues, and his warning about them. Yet the Hanbali Fuqaha' took the issues of Ahl Al-Ra'i and then tried to answer them in accordance to the Usul of their Imam, just as Asad and Suhnun did with the Maliki Fiqh

وقد عثرت على نص لابن القيم يؤيدني فيما ذهبت إليه من أن اتباع الإمام احمد هم المحدثون وليسوا الحنابلة ففي بسطه ووجوه الاحتجاج على أهل التقليد، ذكر أن الطبقة الأولى من أصحاب أئمة المذاهب كانوا أتبع للأئمة من المقلدين المتأخرين: (فأتبع الناس لمالك ابن وهب وطبقته ممن يحكم الحجة وينقاد للدليل أين كان، وكذلك أبو يوسف ومحمد أتبع لأبي حنيفة من المقلدين له مع كثرة مخالفتهما له. وكذلك البخاري، ومسلم وأبو داود والأثرم وهذه الطبقة من أصحاب أحمد أتبع له من المقلدين المحض المنتسبين إليه، إعلام الموقعين، ٢/٣٣١

And I have happened upon a statement by Ibn Al-Qayyim that supports the conclusion I have reached; that the followers of Al-Imam Ahmad are actually the Muhaddithin, and not the Hanbaliyyah. So in his explanation and refutation of the people of Taqlid, he recalled that the first generation of the companions of the Imams of the Madhahib were their followers more so than the later Muqallidin. He said: "So those who most closely followed Malik were Ibn Wahb and his generation; those who ruled according to the proof and evidence wherever it may be. Similarly Abu Yusuf and Muhamamd; they were followers of Abu Hanifah more so than his Muqallidin, even though they (Abu Yusuf and Muhammad) differed with him much. The same is said of Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Al-Athram, and this generation among the companions of Ahmad: They are followers of Ahmad more so than the pure Muqallidin who attribute themselves to him". I'lam Al-Muwaqqi'in, 2/331

---Dr. 'Abd Al-Majid Mahmud 'Abd Al-Majid rahimahu Allah, Al-Ittijahat Al-Fiqhiyyah 'End Ashab Al-Hadith Fi Al-Qarn Al-Thalith Hijri, p. 137-138
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Re: Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahu Allah on: The Hanabilah and Ahmad Bin Hanbal, rahimahum Allah

Postby AbuKhuzaimahAnsari » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:59 pm

Jazakallahu Khaira

what fantastic insight and understanding. I'm sure no doubt more comprehension is due inshallah.

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