The Answer to the Rafidah Shi’ah, Sufi and Bareilwis Saying ‘Ya Ali Madat’

ابو عبدالرحمز
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The Answer to the Rafidah Shi’ah, Sufi and Bareilwis Saying ‘Ya Ali Madat’

Postby ابو عبدالرحمز » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:05 pm

The Shi’ah Papers Part 10 – The Answer to the Rafidah Shi’ah, Sufi and Bareilwis Saying ‘Ya Ali Madat’ – Shaikh Badi ud din Shah Rashidi as-Sindhi [1416H]

Compiled, Translated and Annotated
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

You often hear the Rafidhah Shee’ah, Soofees and Bareilwis saying Yaa Alee Madat ie Oh Alee help at the times of need or help and this is clear shirk, and Ahlul Bidah, ie the people of innovation and misguidance believe in this and this is what they promote. What is interesting the soofee bareilwis believe in saying yaa alee madat so much that it is rampant amongst them and its link and strong association with the Rafidhah Shee’ah.

Once Shaikh Badee ud deen Shaah ar-Raashidee as-Sindhee was delivering a lecture and a man came and started staring at Shaikh Badee ud deen and he continued to stare for a while and then he shouted the following words to Shaikh Badee ud deen

“Yaa Alee Madat (Oh ALee Help)”
The man was expecting some sort of nice reaction or some level of defence from Shaikh Badee ud deen however the shaikh quickly unhesitantly answered,


Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber. (Soorah al-Masad 111:5)

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