The Ruling on Weight Lifting – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan

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Shehzad Sattar
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The Ruling on Weight Lifting – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:56 pm

The Ruling on Weight Lifting – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan

Question: This one asks about the ruling on practicing weight lifting. Is it permissible?

Answer: “It is permissible. However, it is not allowed to pay a compensation for it. Practicing weight lifting is permissible because it involves showing strength and exercise However, it is not allowed to take prizes for it. Yes”


Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan

Translator’s Note:

Weight lifting was something practiced at the time of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam.

Anas ibn Malik radiallahu Anhu said:

أنَّ النبيَّ صلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ مرَّ بقومٍ يرفعون حجرًا فقال ما يصنعُ هؤلاءِ فقالوا يرفعون حجرًا يريدون الشِّدَّةَ فقال النبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ أفلا أَدُلُّكم على ما هو أشدُّ منه أو كلمةً نحوَها الذي يملكُ نفسَه عند الغضبِ

That the Prophet sallahu alayi wa salam passed by a people lifting a rock.So he said: What are these people doing? They said: They are lifting a rock in order to gain strength. So the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said: “Should I not direct you to something that is more difficult than this? [or something similiar to this wording]. The one who controls himself when angry

[Graded Hasan by Al-Albani in Silsilatus-Saheeha (7/869)]
And Allah Knows Best

The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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