Why Is Saudi Arabia Attacked?

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Shehzad Sattar
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Why Is Saudi Arabia Attacked?

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:30 am

Why Is Saudi Arabia Attacked?

Taken from: http://www.albaidha.net/vb/showthread.php?t=36989

(more than halfway down the page, from Shaikh Fawzaan)

هذه البلاد مقصودة ومغزوة ؛ لأنها هي البلاد الباقية،

التي تمثل منهج السلف الصالح،

وهي البلاد الآمنة من الفتن ومن الثورات ومن الانقلابات،

فهي بلاد – ولله الحمد – يرفرف عليها

الأمن والأمان ومنهج السلف الصالح ،

فهم يريدون أن ينتزعوا هذه الخصائص

ويجعلوها بلاداً فوضى ويكون فيها قتل

وتقتيل كما في البلاد الأخرى .

This land (Saudi Arabia) is targeted and attacked because it is the remaining land which follows the methodology (manhaj) of the Righteous Predecessors (Salafus Saalih)[1]. And it is a land safe from the trials (fitnahs) and from the revolutions and uprisings. This is a land – and all the praise belongs only to Allah - surrounded by safety, security, and the methodology of the Righteous Predecessors. So, they want to remove these specials characteristics and make this a land of chaos filled with killing and massacre like (what is found) in other countries.

Source: الفتاوى الشرعية للحصين(ص/61-62)

[1] The manhaj of the Salafus Saalih is followed in smaller numbers elsewhere in other lands as well.
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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