(11) A Great Reminder by Allaamah Bakr Abu Zayd (rahimahullāh)

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(11) A Great Reminder by Allaamah Bakr Abu Zayd (rahimahullāh)

Postby SRI » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:26 am

He said in his book ‘Hajr ul-Mubtadi’ (pg.48:) “...just as the one who speaks with falsehood is a Shaytān speaking, the one who is quiet about the truth is likewise a silent Shaytān, as Abū ’Ali ad-Diqāq (d.406 AH, rahimahullāh) stated! From the verified Sunnah is the statement of the Prophet (sallallāhu ’alayhi wassallam): “A person is with who he loves” and Anas (radi Allāhu ’anhu) stated: “The Muslims were not pleased with anything after Islām except this Hadīth.” The Imāms were stern on whoever contradicted the basis of belief and abandoned the innovators. Shaykh ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah refuted the Ittihādiyyah saying: “All who is attached to them must be punished along with those who praise them and their books and along with those who help and assist them, or those who hate speaking about them, or those who make excuses for them by saying “This speech is unknown” and “it is not known who made these disparaging statements” and the likes of such excuses which are not uttered except by a jāhil or hypocrite! So rather, all who know their condition (of the innovators of the Ittihādiyyah) and do not help to oppose them have to be punished. This is because opposing them is from the greatest obligations because they (the Ittihādiyyah) corrupt the minds and religion of many scholars, kings, rulers and they thus strive throughout the earth causing corruption and they block people from the path to Allāh”.

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zaid (rahimahullāh) then said: “May Allāh have mercy on Shaykh ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah and bless him to drink from the Salsabīl of Paradise, Āmīn. These words are of the utmost precision and importance... so all who manifestly praise an innovator, or praise his books and distributes them among the Muslims and spread their innovation and misguidance and does not expose the deviations in belief that they have – then whoever does this is negligent and has to be abandoned so that he does not affect the Muslims. We have been tested in this era with people who praise the innovators and distribute their statements and writings and neither warn against them nor from their misguidance....we seek refuge in Allāh from misery and its people.”

So Oh Salafee, do not be silent at all times on the innovation, confusion, corruption and evil being uttered by those around you and certainly do not open the door and let in yourself the one who will harm your dawah and its people. Have trust in Allah and be not worried on your numbers dwindling!

Remember the prophet said about people like you and us (inshallaah) that the victorious group will be “Dhaahriyeen alal haqq”, that is OPEN AND APPPARENT upon the truth (Nasa’ee no.2229), so do not be shy, afraid or even embarrassed of saying that you are Salafee and that you oppose al that which opposes salafiyyah!. May Allah Guide Us All. Ameen

http://www.salafiri.com/risalah-do-not- ... tafarraqu/


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