@BroHajji had a meltdown rant, where he is clearly DISTURBED. There are so many cuts & edits of the video, he must've had a nightmare.
In his video he rants that I talk about Asma wa'l Sifat all the time, which hurts him because he understands that as Dividing and causing discord (TS 45:50).
He proceeds to say the Salafis don't have a monopoly on the Athari creed.
It is silly schooling this delusional fame seeker. The Athari's of past, like al-Barbahari, al-Athram, al-Marwazi, al-Najjad, Sharif Abu Jafar & many others Defended and propagated the creed of the Salaf, they did divide the people as did the Messenger of Allah Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam between Tawhid and Shirk, haqq and batil.
The Same Atharis were all agreed in not rebelling against the ruler and sternly advocated al-Sam'a wa't Ta'a
Bro Hajji doesn't even know who or what the Athari's are, but he uses the label to avoid the Salafi label. He went onto say al-Barbahari's Sharh al-Sunnah was the Talmud of the Madkhalis, but al-Barbahari was the face of the Athari's.
Any sane intelligent person would ask Where does that leave Hajji? This so called Athari, sits with the Sufi Deobandi Ash'ari Maturidis, who attack the Salafis and Ahl al-Hadith for their belief in Asma wa'l Sifat on their hanafi fiqh channel, where they push their innovative ta'wil, yet all parties are best of mates Bro Hajji holds the view; the truth is with the Ahl al-Hadith and Deobandis!
This is in of itself pure deviancy and this front room camera loving boy thinks it's acceptable. Not at all, not even the Deobandis say this, who are firm on their Maturidi belief system, even though it Is corrupt & contradicts the belief system of the Salaf.
Bro Hajji, to this day has failed to shake of his Deobandi Hanafi Maturidi beliefs. He wants to be the new talmudic saviour and refute the Salafis but it's all fun and games with the Hanafi Deobandis. This is the true reality Of Hajji.
The Deobandis believe in Wahdatul Wajud, deny Allah's Uluww, seek intercession with the dead, seek help from Abdul Qadir Jilani yet Hajji's motor mouth is zipped and hush hush because he doesn't want to upset his true ancestors.
When pressed by a Rafidhi to state his Manhaj he first laughs and then disgracefully fails the basic aspects of Sunnism of declaring his Athari-Hanafi nexus. So much so, the Rafidi shi'i was forced to say to him "are you doing Ta'qiyyah". Prior to that Hajji tells the Rafidi to ascertain what kind of Sunni he is.
WHAT! Exactly.
The Athari's and Salafis were always one, they still are and they will continue to be, but this new hybrid breed (as the Rafidi Shi'a) says to Bro Hajji, is a breed that are nothing but the Ruwaybidah who seek to sever the link between the Sunni layman and The Rabbani Sunni scholars.
Bro Hajji claims I've not studied, and if he had done his research, like he rants in the video like a mad man, that he found out who I was in half an hour, then 1. I was not hiding, I think he spent too much time with the Rafidah, that he got obsessed with the hole of the 12th Imam.
2. That I still currently study. In fact by the way of information, I started to intensely study, when Bro Hajji was 12 years old, when he was beginning to learn how to make his tie for his school uniform! This being said, Bro Hajji has no Islamic Education at all whatsoever. He has not studied with anyone, never sat with any scholar for formal learning, never learnt any book on Aqidah, Manhaj or fiqh or even a basic primer. He probably has studied Ta'lim ul-Islam, Ta'lim ul-Haq and the infamous Beshiti Zewar! He spent Nominal years with a Madinah University Graduate, who I know personally, his learning with him was purely Arabic ا ب ت. So, we find this front room camera loving stubborn boy knows absolutely nothing.
He bought a few books, did some basic research in Shia'ism and we have a Bonafide ruwaybidah. At one stage this Deobandi Ash'ari Maturidis Hanafi sympathetiser was volunteering at a Deobandi Masjid when Sh Sudais came to Birmingham. He shrugs at the idea of him being a closet Ash'ari, this is like the Sufi Barelwi who believes that Allah incarnates Into humans, even he claims he is Salafi because he make taqlid of Abu Hanifah.
We can perhaps extend this to the recent deception of the people of ta'wil and tafwidh who say, we follow the Creed of the Salaf, we are Athari but they intend with this Tafwidh al-Ma'ana A Salafi or Athari is the one who is Athari in Aqidah and Manhaj, they are interlinked and mutually exclusive, not this Deobandi Maturidi pick and choose, like the Zanadiqah.
Mr Bro Hajji full of himself says, I'm an Athari-Hanafi. Okay, so If we go back and look at an Athari-Hanafi, for arguments lets take Imam Tahawi and Imam Ibn Abil Izz, they refuted khuruj and advocated obeying the ruler! Bro Hajji doesn't even have them to back his pick and choose corrupt methodology.
This is the video where the Shia says to Bro Hajji are you doing Taqiyyah. You spend time with the innovators, you become like them.
We, the Salafis know our Din and this "one" man army as he likes to delude himself into thinking, is going to refute us!!