(2) The Basis of the Salafee Call and Its Restriction

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(2) The Basis of the Salafee Call and Its Restriction

Postby Moin » Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:05 am

(2) The Basis of the Salafee Call and Its Restriction

Imaam adh-Dhahabee (rahimahullāh) said in the introduction to his book al-’Uluww li’l-’Aliyy al-Ghaffār’:
“O ’ Abdullāh, If you love justice then stop at the texts of the Qur’ān and Sunan and then look at what the Companions and the Tābi’ūn stated along with the commentaries of the Imāms of tafsīr with regards to the verses and with whatever has been related from the madhab of the Salaf. So either you speak with knowledge or you remain silent with gentleness.” (Refer to Wasitiyyyah Ahlus Sunnah Baynal Firaq pgs. 102-103.

Pay attention, it is obligatory, no doubt, that the caller call to and stop at the Quran, Sunnah and salaf. Look carefully and you will see in the words of Dhahabee the restriction and not going beyond this and it is therefore necessary that we explain this dawah to the masses in the kindest way. Contra, It is a major sin if we attempt to water down, hide or appease this dawah with that which is falsehood.
Look carefully again at the words of Dhahabee and you will see that a condition he placed is that the caller must have knowledge of that which he calls to and by this it is as clear as the sun that he is placing the importance upon the obligation of consulting, taking advise of and referring to the scholars.

A dawah which does not refer to scholars for its knowledge is like the one who expects a response from a donkey when it asks it how its affairs are! Impossible! That is, it is a dawah that cannot possibly succeed and instead the dawah becomes open to the interpretations of the juhaal (ignorant) and ruwaybidah (those unfit to give knowledge).

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