Emphasis on following the Salaf as opposed to following the Khalaf

Abu Ubaydah
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Emphasis on following the Salaf as opposed to following the Khalaf

Postby Abu Ubaydah » Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:19 pm

Emphasis on following the Salaf as opposed to following the Khalaf

The Thiqah Imām ʿAbullāh Bin Dawūd al-Khārībī (Died 213 Hijrī) said,

"I swear by Allah! If it reached us that the righteous Salaf only washed their nails in wudhu then we would not do more than this."

(Al-Faqīh wal-Mutafiqh no.403 and its chain is Sahīh)

Imām Ibn Khuzaīmah (Died 311 Hijrī) said,

"The meaning (of the above saying of the Imām) is that the religion is to follow (the righteous Salaf)."

(Al-Faqīh wal-Mutafiqh no.403 and its chain is Sahīh)

Translated by Abu Ubaydah

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