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Knowledge Has Two Categories, 1st One Explained by Shaykh Fawzaan

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:03 am
by Shehzad Sattar

Knowledge is of two categories:

1. That which is obligatory upon all individuals to learn,

2. That not every individual has a need of it,

The first that which is obligatory upon all individuals to learn, and that there is no excuse for anyone to be ignorant of it, such that the religion cannot be correctly established except with it, such as the five pillars of Islaam which are the Two Testifications, and the establishment of the Prayer, and the giving of the Zakaat, and the fast of Ramadaan, and Hajj to the sacred House of Allaah. It is not permissible for the Muslim to be ignorant of these things but he must learn them.

Learning the meaning of the Two Testifications, is to learn the ‘aqeedah (creed and belief), so the Muslim learns the creed and belief in order to act upon it, and he learns whatever opposes (against) it in order to keep away from it – this is what is contained in the Two Testifications. Likewise he learns the pillars of the Prayer, and the conditions of thePrayer, and the obligations of the Prayer, and the sunnahs of the Prayer; he must learn these matters in detail. . How can a person do an action when he does not have knowledge of the action which he is performing? How can he perform the Prayer when is ignorant of its rulings? So it is essential that he learns the rulings of the Prayer, and those things which nullify the Prayer, he must learn this.

Likewise he should learn the rulings of the Zakaat, and he should learn the rulings of the Fasting, and he should learn the rulings of the Hajj, so when he wants to perform Hajj, it becomes obligatory upon him to learn the rulings of the Hajj and the rulings of the ‘Umrah in order to perform these acts of worship in the prescribed manner.And no-one is excused for being ignorant of this category, and it is what is called alwaajib al-‘aynee that which is obligatory upon every individual Muslim.

Al-Usool-uth-Thalaathah (The Three Fundamental Principles) by of Imaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab [Rahimahullah]

Explained by: Shaikh Saalih ibn Saalih al-Fawzaan haafidhahullaah

Translated by: Abu Talhah Dawud ibn Ronald Burbank رحمه الله تعالى