Atheism: Demonstrating The Error Of Those Who Deny The Existence Of A Creator

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Shehzad Sattar
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Atheism: Demonstrating The Error Of Those Who Deny The Existence Of A Creator

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:47 pm

Atheism: Demonstrating The Error Of Those Who Deny The Existence Of A Creator
A Revealing Illustration

To demonstrate the error of those who deny the existence of a Creator, one may consider the ordinary example of how a book comes into being. The existence of a book necessitates the existence of a publisher who possesses three attributes:
    Firstly, this publisher must possess the knowledge of the required fields of expertise for the production of this book.

    Secondly, the publisher must possess the will to carry out such a task by consciously embarking upon this project.

    Thirdly, the publisher must possess the ability to carry out the task of creating the pages, cover and binding of the book while finishing it with distinction.

Once this is understood, the irrationality of claiming that a book created itself, or that it came about by mere chance, becomes apparent. Is it possible to legitimately claim that a book came about without a publisher, or that this universe came about without a Creator – solely on the basis that this publisher or Creator has not been seen?

In actuality, understanding that a Creator exists is much easier to grasp than understanding that a simple object like a book has an originator, as the formation of our universe is far more sophisticated than the formation of any one particular object. Accordingly, the Creator stated regarding those who deny His existence:

“Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief.” [52:35-36]

These verses prove that just as it would be impossible to claim that a book was created by nothing, it would also be impossible to claim that mankind was created by nothing. Likewise, just as it would be impossible to claim that a book created itself, it would also be impossible to claim that we created ourselves. Only one other possibility exists; that mankind and everything in this universe was brought about by an All-Knowing Creator.

It can be concluded that all things are known to come into existence by designers that possess the three attributes of knowledge, will and ability to create. No other conclusion can be drawn, except that our universe was fashioned by a Creator who possesses the knowledge, will and ability to create such an incredibly awe-inspiring formation.

Indeed, certain pieces of evidence left behind at the scene of a crime are considered incriminating proofs that lead courts to settle cases in an absolute manner. In the same way, Allaah’s Signs within His creation and the logical evidences contained within His revelation contain even more definite proofs that we were created by an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God.

“And upon the earth are Signs visible to all who have faith with certainty, just as there are Signs within your own selves. Will you not then see?” [51:20,21]

Source : From the Book “Sacred Freedom” by Haneef Oliver

Source: ... eator.html
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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