The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa

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Shehzad Sattar
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The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:50 pm

The Shafiee Imam Who Never Met Ibn Taymiyah But Still Loved Him Just Because Of Reading His Books/Fatawa.

His Name was Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid ash-Shafiee, according to Mahmud Shukri al Alusi he was among the great Shafiee scholar of his time.

Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid ash-Shafiee wrote a letter to one of the students of Ibn Taymiyah in which he stated:
    ولا أزال أتعلل بعد وفاة الشيخ الإمام إمام الدنيا رضي الله تعالى عنه بالاسترواح إلى أخبار تلامذته وإخوانه، وأقاربه وعشيرته، والخصيصين به، لما في نفسي من المحبة الضرورية التي لا يدفعها شيء، على الخصوص لما اطلعت على مباحثه واستدلالاته التي تزلزل أركان المبطلين، ولا يثبت في ميدانها سفسطة المتفلسفين، ولا يقف في حلباتها أقدام المبتدعين من المتكلمين.
After the death of Shaykh, The Imam of the world May Allah be pleased with him I started to know about the news of his students, friends, relatives, family and the specials who were close to him. That is because I love him.. specially after I came to know about his debates and deduction of rulings which shook the followers of falsehood. And the philosophers could not prove anything against him by their deceptive arguments, neither the innovators among the Mutakallimeen stood against him.

Then he said:
    إلى أن قدر الله سبحانه وقوع تصنيف الشيخ الإمام إمام الدنيا في يدي قبيل واقعته الأخيرة بقليل، فوجدت فيه ما بهرني في موافقة فطرتي، لما فيه من عزو الحق إلى أئمة السنة وسلف الأمة مع مطابقة المعقول والمنقول.
Then I found a book written by the Shaykh the Imam of the world due to qadr of Allah, I felt so good that it was agreement with fitrah, Truth was attributed to the scholars of sunnah and salaf and it was also with aqal and naql.

Then He said:
    ولما عزمت على المهاجرة إلى لقيه وصلني خبر اعتقاله، وأصابني لذلك المقيم المقعد، ولما حججت سنة ثمان وعشرين وسبعمائة صممت العزم على السفر إلى دمشق لأتوصل إلى ملاقاته ببذل ما أمكن من النفس والمال للتفريج عنه، فوافاني خبر وفاته رحمه الله تعالى مع الرجوع إلى العراق قبيل وصولي إلى الكوفة، فوجدت عليه ما لا يجده الأخ على شقيقه
I made a decision to meet him then i heard a news of his imprisonment, which struck me, when i went for hajj in 728 h I decided to meet him in Damascus and I will try to free him, Then I received a news of his death May Allah have mercy on him when I was going back to Iraq before entering into Kufa. [Uqud ad-Durriyah page 518, Ghayat al Amani 1/500-503]
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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