What is Idtirab in Hadith Terminology

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What is Idtirab in Hadith Terminology

Postby AbuKhuzaimahAnsari » Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:03 am

Iḍtirāb is when a narrator interchanges the names in a chain, he sometimes narrates from person A and then sometimes he narrates from Person B (the same incident). This is iḍtirāb of the chain, there is also idhtirāb of the matn (text).

There is a lot of variance in the statement of the scholars on its exact definition but it can be summarized as below.

Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajr said,“If by changing the name of a narrator a trustworthy narrator is opposed, and none of them can be given precedence over the other, then such a ḥadīth is muḍhtarib.” [Nazhah al-Naẓar [p.81].

See also
Tawḍhīh al-Afkār [1:221]

Muqaddimah Ibn as-Ṣalāḥ [p.73]

Ikhtiṣār Ulūm al-Ḥadīth [p.54]

al-Iqtaraḥ [pp.219-222]

al-Muqnʿa [1:221-226]

al-Bāʿith al-Ḥathīth [1:221]

Taqayyid waʾl-Ayḍah [p.124]

Fatḥ al-Mugīth [1:237]

Tadrīb ar-Rāwī [1:308]

al-Nukt [2:772-802]

Qafū al-Athar [p.77]

Bulgatul-Hathīth Ila ʿIlmal-Ḥadīth [p.26]

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