Are There Any Remnants From The Prophet? – Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee

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Shehzad Sattar
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Are There Any Remnants From The Prophet? – Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:45 am

Are There Any Remnants From The Prophet?
by Shaykh, the Muhaddith, Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee

Are there any Remnants from the Prophet?
هل بقي من آثار النبي شيء؟

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali was asked:

Are there any remnants from the Prophet?

The Answer:

There is nothing now from the remnants of the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam. Whoever claims that there remains something from his belongings then he is a liar and a crazy foolish person!

We visited India and found people who claimed that they had a hair of the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam. They are liars and they are cheaters.

We saw, I think it was either in Pakistan or in Bangladesh a Masjid, where they claimed they had the foot print of the Prophet – sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam.

Also in Delhi there was a Masjid and the Imam was a Bukhari and he had a lot of influence.

Non-Muslim European men and women who were barely dressed would visit this Masjid. They would go to a place in the Masjid and this Bukhari person would say:

‘At this place is a remnant of the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa Sallam.’

It had the like of a dome built over it. You see shameless women and men gathering to view the footprint of the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam.

So I saw this evil and I came to this Imam to advise him and I said: ‘You people claim that the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam – came to this place and this is his remnant/sign? ‘

He replied: the people say such-and-such.

I said to him: ‘O Brother we read history and came to know that the Messenger -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam- was taken up to the heavens, he went from Makkah to Madinah and he went out for battles to well known areas and he went to Tabuk, but we did not find in history that the Messenger came to Delhi and stood at this place! !

He was going around in circles. . . . then I spoke to his father when he came – and I had a Salafi with me translating – his father said about me: ‘This is bad manners’ [i.e. towards the Prophet’s hair.]

Then this Salafi who was with me informed me:

‘That when King Saud -rahimullaah- visited India and came to Banaras which is the main center idols and deities – this place Banaras is like Makkah – In this place they have many idols, so when they heard that he will visit this place they covered these idols – I swear by Allaah they covered them up – why ? Out of fear of Tawheed.

Then he came to this Masjid to pray and they said to him: Here is the footprint of the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- so he quickly left that place and came to know that this is foolishness.

The person who singles out Allaah alone has knowledge and insight, he has understanding, the people of Bida have stupidity, ignorance and foolishness or evilness. May Allaah bless you. So there are many claimants.

In Turkey they claim that the Prophet’s hair is present there, some of the people claim that the Mus’haf which Ali -radiAllaah anhu- wrote with his hand is present etc….. these are lies.

The Sunnah of Allaah regarding these things is that they pass away and cease to exist, this is the Sunnah which Allaah -Subhanahu wa Ta’ala- placed.

O Allaah send praise and security upon Muhammad, upon his family and his Companions.

[Taken from:]

Source: ... e-prophet/
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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