Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu

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Shehzad Sattar
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Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:46 pm

Grave Worship According To A Shafiee Imam, The Descendant of Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib RadhiAllahu Anhu

Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Suwaidi al-Shafiee, teacher of al Alusi al Hanafi said:
    ومن أعظم البدع، الغلو في تعظيم القبور
The biggest innovation is extremism in veneration of the graves. [Ghayat al Amani 1/478]

Then he mentioned various innovations and said:
    فتراهم إذا عضلت عليهم الأمور أوصى بعضهم بعضاً بقصد أصحاب القبور،
When someone among them find any problem, they recommend him to visit to the shrine [Ibid]

Then he said, at the grave:
    وربما أن أحدهم- لكثرة أوهامه وشدة خوفه- تبطل حواسه فيزدادون كفراً، وتضحك عليهم الشياطين جهراً، وترى كثيراً منهم يعلقون مرضاهم عليهم، فيأخذون المريض وهو في غاية شدته فيدخلونه على قبره،
One of them lost his senses due to many illusions and severity of fear and gets into kufr, the shiyateen laugh out loud over them. Many of them take their patients to the shrine. [Ibid]

He also said:
    قال الشيخ محمد الأمين السويدي الشافعي: ولا يجوّز ذلك إلا من جهل آثار الرسالة، ولهذه عمت الاستغاثة بالأموات عند نزول الكربات يسألونهم ويتضرعون إليهم، فكان ما يفعلونه معهم أعظم من عبادتهم واعتقادهم في رب السموات
“Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Suwaidi al-Shafi (may Allah be merciful to him) has stated: None can regard it lawful except one who is ignorant of the traditions of the Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). This was the reason that seeking help from the dead in troubles spread among people. They beseech the dead and supplicate to them, as if what they do with them is greater than their worship to Allah and their belief in the Lord of the heavens.”
["Jala al-'Ayinayn" 1/512].
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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