Syrian Azhari Scholar Burhan ud din Halabi on brailwis

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Syrian Azhari Scholar Burhan ud din Halabi on brailwis

Postby asimulhaq6 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 8:14 pm

Following is the discussion on aqaid between The Syrian Azhari scholar Sayyed Badr ud din al Halabi (1298 h to 1362 h) and Indian brailwi Molvi.

He said:
وقد سُئِلْتُ عن هذه المسألة وأنا بالهند سنة تسع عشر وثلاثمائة بعد الألف، وكان قصد السائل تعرف عقيدتي بما أعرف من الحق الذي لا مرية فيه، وهو أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أطلعه الله تعالى على كثير من المغيبات لمصالح يقتضيها التشريع، ولم يطلعه على كل ما كان ويكون، وبينت له أن هذا لا يحط من عليِّ مرتبته عليه السلام، بل من الأدب مع الله ومعه أن لا نصفه بما لم يصف نفسه به، ولا أن نثبت له ما لم يخبر هو بثبوته لنفسه.
فأنكر علينا ذلك، وتحركت نفسه للمحاجّة، فقلنا له: أترى أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعلم عدد الشعرات التي في لحيتك؟ فقال: لا. فقلنا: أفترى أن لحيتك ليست من المكونات؟ فانقطع في ميدان المناظرة قبل أن ينقل فيه قدماً.
In 1319 h I was in India (Note that was the time when dawah of Ahmad raza brailwi was at its peak who was 47 years of age at that time), I was asked a question (regarding knowledge of unseen), he didn't ask to understand religion, He wanted to know about my aqeeda, which is truth according to me without a doubt. That is Allah informed the Prophet peace be upon him many of the unseen as it was shar`ee requirement, He was not informed all the information of the past and the present. I cleared that this does not affect on the status of Prophet peace be upon him, rather it is adab of Allah and his Rasool that we should not attribute those things to him (peace be upon him) which he didn't attributed to himself. And we do not say anything regarding him which he didn't say for himself.

He (the molvi) denied my answer, became emotional and argued with me. I said: Tell me if your aqeeda is that the Prophet peace be upon him even knew the number of hair on your beard? He replied no. I said: Isn't your beard the part of creation? He left the place of debate without stepping further.
[atTaleem wal Irshad by Burhan ud din Halabi under the chapter "مقالات الأمم", quoted by Mahmud Shukri al Alusi in Ghayat al Amani 1/68-69]

He said regarding ugly aqaid of some people:
"ومن شنيع مقالاتهم في الإسلام قولهم: إن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يخلو منه زمان ولا مكان، يريدون بذلك: أنه ما من زمان إلا وهو فيه موجود، ولا من مكان إلا وهو فيه موجود
One of the ugly sayings of the people is that: The Prophet peace be upon him is omnipresent, There is no time and place where he is not present. [ibid]

Then He said:
وهذه المقالة الشنيعة لم نرها لأحد من المتكلمين المتقدمين منهم والمتأخرين، ولا رأيناها في كتب العقائد، ولا كنا نظن أحداً يقول هذه المقالة الشنيعة
This ugly saying is not said by any of the past and present scholar, neither I have seen this in any of the book on aqaid, This is beyond our imagination that someone could say this ugly thing. [Ibid]

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