Praying Salaah With A Newly Purchased Garment From The Market

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Shehzad Sattar
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Praying Salaah With A Newly Purchased Garment From The Market

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:52 pm

Question: He was asked: regarding a person who had purchased [a new item] of clothing, and whether it is permissible for him to pray with that [newly purchased] clothing before he washed it?

Response: He replied, yes, unless he doubts something about it.

{Reference: Fataawaa Ibn Abee Zayd al-Qayruwaanee, Fatãwaa regarding the different types of water and cleanliness and that which relates to both of them – Fatwa No.30, Page 104}


[1] He is Abu Muhammad Abdullaah ibn Abee Zayd Abdur–Rahmaan Annafzee al-Qayruwaanee, nicknamed Maalik-As-sageer [Little Maalik] for his in-depth knowledge of Imaam Maalik Ibn Anas`s opinions on the subsidiary issues of the Sharee`ah [Fiqh]. He was born in the year 310 AH corresponding to 922 CE in the north of Tunisia; he studied with the major scholars of his time and the number of his teachers exceeded to over 50.
He authored over 38 books. One of his famous books is Muqaddamatul-Qayruwaanee, which is an explanation of the Salafee Aqeedah. This has been explained in detail by Allaamah Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, the Muhaddith of Madeenah in the Prophet`s Masjid, may Allaah`s praise and peace be with him. Ibn Abee Zayd al-Qayruwaanee died in the year 386 A.H. on Monday evening in the month of Sha`baan at the age of 76. [TN]

حكم الصلاة بابتياع الثوب من السوق

المرجع: فتاوى ابن أبي زيد القيرواني، من فتاوى المياه والطّهارة وما يتّصل بهما، الرقم: 30، ص:

السؤال:و سئل الشيخ أبو محمّد ابن أبي زيد القيرواني عمن ابتاع ثوباً من السوق، هل له أن يصلي به قبل أن يغسله؟

الجواب:قال: نعم، إلا أن يشكّ
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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