What Is The Ruling On Separating Between Tarawih and Tahajjud In The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan?

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Shehzad Sattar
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What Is The Ruling On Separating Between Tarawih and Tahajjud In The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan?

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:37 am

What is the ruling on separating between Tarawih and Tahajjud in the last ten days of Ramadan

السائل: ما يحدث الآن يا شيخ في رمضان في العشر الأواخر يقسمون الصلاة: صلاة القيام في أول الليل وفي آخره، وأصبح هذا يعني نظام دائم.

Questioner: What goes on today O Sheikh during the last ten days, they separate between the Salat Al-Qiyam in the first part of the night and in the last (in other words: The people pray Salat Al-'Ishaa' at the Masjid, then they pray what they call Tarawih together, then during the last part of the night they once again meet at the Masjid to pray what they call Qiyam Al-Lail or Tahajjud), and this has become a regular routine

الإمام الألباني رحمه الله: بدعة

Al-Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: Bid'ah

السائل: كيف يكون يعني أردنا أن نقيم السنة ونخفف عن الناس، فكيف نفعل؟

Questioner: How does it, I mean, we want to establish the Sunnah and make things easy on the people, so how do we act

الإمام الألباني رحمه الله: تفكرون كما قال عمر (والتي يؤخرونها أفضل)؛ يعني هو أمر أبي بن كعب أن يقيم صلاة القيام بالناس بعد صلاة العشاء، ففعل، ولما خرج يتحسس، قال: نعمة البدعة هذه، والتي ينامون عنها أفضل

Al-Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: You think of, as 'Umar said: "And what they postpone is better", meaning: He ordered Ubai Bin Ka'b to establish the Salah Al-Qiyam with the people after the Salah Al-'Ishaa', so he did, and when ['Umar radhi Allahu 'anhu] went out . . . he said: "And what a good Bid'ah this is (Meaning: What a good newly established matter this is, i.e. the act of gathering all the people behind one Imam to pray Tarawih, just as it was done in the time of the Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam), and what they have left due to sleeping is better (i.e. postponing the prayer to the last part of the night is better, wallahu a'lam)

السائل: يعني يبقى الحال على ما هو قبل العشر [الأواخر]؟

Questioner: Meaning, the situation should stay the same as how it was before the last ten days?

الإمام الألباني رحمه الله: أي نعم.

Al-Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: Yes

سلسلة الهدى والنور، 719
Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, 719

Meaning: Al-Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allahu Ta'aalaa is saying that what goes on now is not what took place during the time of the Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam, nor did it take place when 'Umar radhi Allahu 'anhu revived the Sunnah of praying Al-Tarawih in congregation, so in order to return to the Sunnah, what we should do is remain upon the way we were before the last ten days, and postponing the prayer to the last part of the night is better, but without this separation that goes on now. Wallahu a'lam walhamdulillahi Rabb Al-'Aalamin
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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