Responding To the Books of the Madhabs authored by the Scholars

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Responding To the Books of the Madhabs authored by the Scholars

Postby AbuKhuzaimahAnsari » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:56 pm

Responding to the Books of the Madhabs authored by the Scholars

how do we respond to those who say the scholars of the different madhahib have authored books for their respective madhabs meaning the contemporary scholars and they continue to author books explaining their respective madhabs,

we answer and say the aim of these books is to teach the people and they have not been authored to practise what is in them. they have some importance in understanding the din and the words of Allah and his Messenger Salalahu alayhi wasallam as well as develop a basic understanding of the different fiqh issues.

When it is known the Muslim is not obligated to follow any particular or specific madhab, however this must be supplemented by him referring to a scholar to seek guidance and fatwa as per the command of Allah Fasalu.(Refer to Taysir Aziz al-Hamid (pg.486) and Fath ul-Majid Sharh Kitab at-Tawhid (pg.343-345) for more reading around this.

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