Performing Wudhoo Inside The Bathroom

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Shehzad Sattar
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Performing Wudhoo Inside The Bathroom

Postby Shehzad Sattar » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:11 pm

Question: What is the ruling upon one who does Wudhoo inside the bathroom? Is his Wudhoo permissible?

Response: There is no problem for him to perform Wudhoo inside the bathroom if there is a need for that. He is to invoke the name of Allaah at the beginning of performing Wudhoo, by saying (بسم الله) ‘In the name of Allaah’ because invoking the name of Allaah (التسمية) is compulsory according to some of the people of knowledge, and an emphasized Sunnah according to majority of the scholars. So he is to invoke the name of Allaah and the ruling of (الكراهة) Karaahah (dislike – for uttering it inside the bathroom) is removed because legitimately the (الكراهة) Karaahah ceases when the need is present (like in this case) to invoke the name of Allaah (inside the bathroom). As the person has been commanded to invoke the name of Allaah at the beginning of Wudhoo, so he is to invoke the name of Allaah and then complete his Wudhoo.

As with regards to the supplication upon completing the Wudhoo (التشهد) ‘the declaration of faith’ then it is to be uttered after coming out of the bathroom, as the bathroom is a place to relieve one’s needs. So when he finishes performing Wudhoo, he is to come out of the bathroom and utter the (التشهد) ‘declaration of faith’ outside . However if the bathroom is only for the purpose of Wudhoo and it is not for relieving oneself from stool or urine, then there is no problem for him to utter the supplication (التشهد) ‘declaration of faith’ inside the bathroom, because in this case the bathroom is not a place to relieve one’s needs.

Reference: From the Tape: Noor ‘Ala Ad Darb: #8

حكم من يتوضأ داخل الحمام

المرجع: ÇáãÑÌÚ: من برنامج نور على الدرب الشريط رقم (8

: ما حكم من يتوضأ داخل الحمام ، وهل يجوز وضوءه؟

الجواب: لا بأس أن يتوضأ داخل الحمام ، إذا دعت الحاجة إلى ذلك ، ويسمي عند أول الوضوء ، يقول : ( بسم الله ) ؛ لأن التسمية واجبة عند بعض أهل العلم ، ومتأكدة عند الأكثر ، فيأتي بها وتزول الكراهة؛ لأن الكراهة تزول عند وجود الحاجة إلى التسمية ، والإنسان مأمور بالتسمية عند أول الوضوء ، فيسمى ويكمل وضوءه . وأما التشهد فيكون بعد الخروج من الحمام – وهو : محل قضاء الحاجة – فإذا فرغ من وضوئه يخرج ويتشهد في الخارج . أما إذا كان الحمام لمجرد الوضوء ليس للغائط والبول ، فهذا لا بأس أن يأتي بها فيه؛ لأنه ليس محلا لقضاء الحاجة
The Prophet ﷺ said:

“Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not repel people..”

[متفق عليه]

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